Taking time for yourself

Why you should take time for yourself
A little bit of me time
How often do you find yourself saying that you "need more hours in the day to do what you need to do" or "I'm so busy and just need a moment to myself". I find myself doing this on a daily basis, but we only have ourselves to blame. Sometimes I can catch myself just sitting there having a slow browse, or watching something on TV and feeling totally guilty for not using the hours to better myself, learn new trends, socialise, the list goes on, but as we lead these busy lives, the one thing we should not feel guilty for, is taking time for ourselves. We need to allow ourselves to unwind and turn off, even if it is just for 15 minutes as mentally and physically, we need it.

The odd time that I have taken for myself, it has given me time to reflect, de-stress, and really think about where my life is taking me. I always feel better for it, happier and like I can take on further challenges afterwards. I will hold my hands up and say that I allow life to get on top of me, I mean who doesn't? I take on everyone else's stresses to make it easier for myself (which it never does) and although I am good at giving advise, I never take my own. I set out 2018 with one main goal, and this was to think about myself more, my mental and physical health and they go hand in hand - feel good inside, feel good outside, Yet so far, I still haven't achieved this. This is why I have set myself a list of putting me first and freeing up time. Something that I will be saying to myself every day is 'Stop wishing you had time and start making time - you are the priority'.
Set yourself a list
1) How are you wasting your time - Look into what you tend to do on a daily basis that you know you could organise better. Do you do daily shops when you could do one large shop at once, do you sit there stressing about what task you haven't finishing, mindless browsing through the web? Organisation can play a huge part in freeing up time for yourself, so if you find yourself doing any of these then try to get organised. There are plenty of apps such as Trello which can help take off work load and manage your life.

2) It's Ok to say no - This is something that I struggle massively with, especially in work. I am that person that will take something on just because I know I can do it quickly. But just recently I thought to myself, well if I can train a few people, the stress comes off me? No is not a bad word, if anything, it can help take the pressure off yourself. What are you saying yes to? Do you feel like you should socialise all the time because you are asked?

3) Set time aside - Even if it is just 15-30 mins, make it a daily routine to set a time slot in your schedule where you take your 'me' time. Reading a book, a bath, run, meditation. What ever it is that you enjoy doing and you find relaxing, schedule it in - but don't resent it. Choose a realistic time where you know it won't cross-over with other tasks.

4) You can ask for help - We all like to do things to our own drum sometimes, but we can often put a lot of pressure on ourselves. Even if it is just chores, or something you are pondering, just ask? It doesn't make you look inadequate if you ask for help. Things don't always need to be completed on your own.

5) Speak out - Tell people what you need and speak up. We are guilty of letting things get on top of us, but we sit there are go through it on our own. There is always someone around you that will be happy to listen to you and you will be surprised on how much weight can be lifted by telling someone how you feel. They might hold an answer you didn't think of.

6) Get a work life balance - Again, something I haven't been doing that often. With the ever growing technology world, we are bound to everything through our mobile, and this even means emails outside of work time. You need to switch off from work, and if your work is social media, then put your phone down. Stop reading messages, checking stats, emails every 5 minutes. The world will not stop if you don't answer a comment the minute it is put online or sent to you in an email.

Do it for you
Don't let that guilt sink in. You can only be a better version of yourself if you take time for yourself. Rejuvenate, unwind and destress. Find what it is you enjoy doing and carve that time your in your busy schedule. Don't fall back as you can only move forward. Everyone has the same time and more can't be given, but you can make more for yourself.

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